Pregnancy Massage Sugar Land
A special massage technique for expectant mothers:
Special care is taken for this wonderful, relaxing massage for the mother-to-be. The massage relieves lower back and shoulder pain often experienced during pregnancy. The massage also relieves stress, improves flexibility and overall wellness.
Pregnancy massage, sometimes called pre-natal massage, is tailored to the mother-to-be's needs. Pregnancy massage can reduce stress, decrease the swelling in arms and legs, and relieve aches and pains in muscles and joints. It is especially useful for back pain when medication is restricted due to pregnancy.
During the massage, the expectant mother's body is supported using pillows, ensuring the comfort and safety of both mother and baby. Karen's soothing massage then relieves stress and relaxes tired and over stressed muscles, giving both emotional support and therapeutic relief.
Major benefits of Karen's pregnancy massage include:
- Relieving cramp, spasms and pain in muscles, especially in the legs, hips, lower back, and neck.
- Soothes the stress on joints
- Makes the skin and tissue more pliable.
- Reduces stress and provides physical and emotional support for the expectant mother.
- Reduction of swelling
- Improves blood circulation
- Reduces labor pain and outcome of pregnancy.
- It feels good!
Contact Karen on 713 240 6510 to arrange a free consultation or to arrange an appointment for your Sugar Land pregnancy massage: Voted best "Sugar Land Massage Therapist" 2007 by "The Star" Newspaper.